Outdoor classroom gives kids the tools to become environmentally aware
From this week’s Galway City Tribune – The city’s first official outdoor classroom programme was launched this week at Terryland Forest Park.
The city-wide initiative, which provides children and teenagers with the necessary tools to become more environmentally aware and active, has been developed by Galway National Park City and its founder, Brendan Smith, said the launch was an opportunity to pay tribute to all those who have supported the project.
“We had primary schools and secondary schools, and Ability West, joining with the Cycling Campaign, Galway City Partnership, Galway Traveller Movement, both universities, the arts community and the corporate sector.
“It’s backed by a huge cross-section of people,” said Mr Smith, following the launch which was carried out by renowned environmentalist Duncan Stewart alongside the Mayor of Galway, Clodagh Higgins.
The programme, with funding from the Lifes2Good Foundation, has provided outdoor classroom kits for four areas of biodiversity richness across the city including the Eco Advocate Course centre at Corrib Boat Club, Lough Atalia eco-educational centre, Merlin Woods and Terryland Forest Park.
Each kit contains binoculars, bug collectors, quadrats, bat detectors, clipboards, magnifying glasses, a portable blackboard and much more, all aiming to enable climate-conscious young people in Galway to explore their local environment and carry out their own investigations.
“It’s available to schools, the Scouts, youth groups and community groups who can just call to the visitor centre in Terryland Forest Park, collect the kits, do the work and then bring them back when they’re finished,” said Mr Smith.
This is a shortened preview version of this story. To read the rest of the article, see the March 4 edition of the Galway City Tribune. You can buy a digital edition HERE.