Breaking News

Objections to new housing development at Headford Road



Galway Bay fm newsroom – Plans for a new housing development at Headford Road in the city are being blocked.
Earlier this year, Wyckam Limited was granted planning permission for 13 houses at Bóthar Na Chóiste.
However that decision has now been appealed to An Bord Pleanála.
In an appeal to the higher planning authority,one objector raises concerns about overlooking of her property and the removal of a portion of a hedgerow which has been maintained for decades.
Another third party appeal on behalf of Cairéal Mór Management company has been lodged with An Bord Pleanála against the new houses at Bóthar na Cóiste.
The appeal agrues that the developer does not have any legal right to access the Cairéal Mór housing estate and that construction traffic would damage the existing roadway.
A decision is expected about the future of the planned housing at Bóthar na Chóiste in October. (23/10)


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