Neo-grunge Love Ghost for Galway gig
LA based neo-grunge outfit Love Ghost will visit the city’s Róisín Dubh on Thursday next, December 27, as part of an Irish tour with Irish band Modern Love. Love Ghost are also making a documentary on how Irish audiences respond to them and their music.
The band members are Finnegan Bell (lead singer/guitarist); Mya Greene (viola); Ryan Stevens (bass guitar) and Samson Young (drum). All are young and all share a background of mental health issues and social problems, with the four being asked to leave school at different points in their lives. These are issues they openly discuss with their fans on social media.
Their aim is to break down preconceptions about mental health, as well as to encourage others to use music and art to help take back control of their lives. Musically, they come from different backgrounds – Finnegan’s is alternative rock; Mya’s is classical, Ryan’s is metal and; Samson is jazz.
For more, read this week’s Galway City Tribune.
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