Connacht Tribune
Mother and daughters launch book to buy sleeping bags for homeless
An Athenry family has written a children’s book and launched a fundraising page in order to secure 100 sleeping bags for homeless people in the city.
Sharon Ledwith and her daughters – eleven year old Kellie and eight year old Eve – would always bring sandwiches and bottles of water with them for people sleeping on the street when visiting town from their home in Athenry.
Their mom has been running a holistic health clinic in Athenry for over three years and has long practised mindfulness with the girls, which involves expressing gratitude for all the good things in life.
The girls decided to write a children’s book, Mindful Dreaming, to raise money to buy sleeping bags needed by the homeless charities to hand out to those unfortunate enough to be living rough.
The book costs €12 and is available through the gofundme page, ‘100 sleeping bags for the homeless’, or from Sharon’s Healing Touch Clinic in Athenry.
See full story in this week’s Connacht Tribune.
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