Connacht Tribune

More time allowed to finish Killimor estate



Galway County Council has given a construction company three more years to complete an unfinished housing development on the edge of Killimor village.

Burns Construction & Civil Engineering sought an Extension of Duration to complete the ‘An Sruthán’ development of six detached bungalows, six detached dormer houses and 12 semis off the N65 on the eastern edge of the village.

According to the application, four houses have been completed and are habitable, with a front boundary wall and sides in place and an access road off the N65.

Permission was previously extended on the site for a period of five years; the Council has now extended the deadline to the end of December, 2021.

Planning legislation does not allow for an extension of time beyond that point. The emergency legislation – designed to increase housing supply, without the delays of a further planning application – allows for additional time to complete developments where substantial works have already been carried out.

A further extension of time – for developments of 20 or more houses – can be sought, but not beyond December 31, 2021.

Planners attached a stipulation that Burns Construction must lodge a cash deposit or other security to the value of €150,000 with the Council to ensure the satisfactory completion of public lighting, roads, footpaths, sewers and open spaces.

The lands were purchased at an online auction last year for €121,000.


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