Archive News

March 28, 2013



Date Published: 27-Mar-2013


Killed by runaway horse

On Monday, a young man named J. Egan attended the fair at Castlerea to sell a saddle horse. He failed to sell it, and when about to return home, the horse dashed across St. Patrick Street and into the shop of a man named Caulfield.

Egan, who was on the animal’s back, was caught by the top of the door, and thrown to the footway, where he lay unconscious. He died soon afterwards in Castlerea Hospital from fracture of the spine.

United Irish League

In Letterfrack, a largely attended meeting was held at the League room on Sunday – in fact, it was so large that a great number, unable to find room in the hall, had to stand outside the door and windows, and follow the proceedings as best they could.

From a condition seemingly incurable of apathy and indifference, the people around Tullycross have awakened to their own interests with a bound. Not since the stirring days of the Land League have the people been so insistent in their demand for the distribution of grazing farms.

They know the surest way to secure the land is by clinging together, and fighting together, under the banner of a progressive battling organisation, the same as the Letterfrack branch now is.


Unemployment allotments

Thirty-four unemployment allotment plots have been again allotted this year in St. Grellan’s and St Brennan’s Terraces, Ballinasloe, at the nominal fee of 1s. per year.

For the shilling rent, the allotment holder is provided with garden tools, spades, etc., and free seeds, manures and spraying material. The two years’ experiment in these allotment plots in Ballinasloe have proved their utility to the unemployed, materially and morally; materially as they provide food and vegetables for his family, and morally, as they provide healthy employment for the holder, when otherwise he may be spending his time in idleness.

It has also been found that, with the exception of one or two cases, all the plots have been tilled and the yield of vegetables from them has been good. One man, it was stated, in a recent discussion on these plots, sold over £2 worth of vegetables in the market. Competition among the unemployed is also keen for these plots.

Connemara tourism

With the approach of this year’s tourist season in Connemara, preparations are being made throughout the area in anticipation of a greater influx of tourists. Extensions and improvements have been made at Mongan’s Hotel, Carna; the Railway Hotel, Clifden; McKeown’s Hotel, Leenane and several other hotels in Connemara. The proprietors of the Corrib Hotel, Oughterard, have purchased an additional premises and a new hotel is being opened by Mr. William Lavelle, Clifden.

At a meeting of the Clifden Tourist Development Association last week, a long discussion took place on the condition of the Clifden beach road, and it was decided to ask the I.T.A. to use its good offices with the Local Government and County Council in having the road repaired.

The beach is to Clifden what Salthill is to Galway. It is the walk and drive most favoured by visitors, and leads to the sea and bathing places. In its present condition, however, it serves more as a punishment than as a pleasure to those who use it, to the torment of their feet and at danger to their lives.

For more, read this week’s Connacht Tribune.


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