Connacht Tribune

Liddy Medal for Garda mowed down by car 38 years ago



Garda Christy Ryan was on duty at Creagh outside Ballinasloe during the Circuit of Ireland Rally 38 years ago this month when he mowed down by a passing car.

The 42-year-old’s injuries were catastrophic. He sustained injuries to his head, body and legs – his right leg had been broken in seven places.

He spent a long time in intensive care and doctors feared he would not survive. He and his wife Dympna were raising seven young children.

Against all odds, Christy pulled through. But he had to spend several years in and out of hospital, enduring many operations. And he was left permanently injured due to the shortening of his right leg.

After four years he returned to work at Ballinasloe Garda Station where he was assigned to desk duties. In the beginning he was only able to manage two hours, but that was gradually increased. He served for another decade before retiring in November 1994.

The retired Garda, now aged 80, became only the second west of Ireland officer to be awarded the Liddy Medal, which is given to retired Gardaí injured in the line of duty.

Over 80 of his former colleagues turned out to pay tribute to Christy at a presentation evening in Gullane’s Hotel Ballinasloe last Thursday.

A spokesperson for Ballinasloe Gardaí said the Garda remained very committed to his profession to the last.

“Everyone has a great time for Christy. Even when he returned on light duties, he was still very dedicated to the job.”

The native of Sligo joined the force in 1958 and served in Cavan, Crossmolina and Kilconnell before taking up duty in Ballinasloe Station in 1974 where he remained. He still lives in the town.

Minister for the Diaspora and International Development Ciaran Cannon congratulated the retired Garda and his family.

“I know from the time that Ballinasloe was included in the Galway East constituency that Christy is held in the highest esteem by his former colleagues for his service to An Garda Síochána and to the State and represents that noble tradition of serving the community with honour and dedication.”

First awarded in 2005, the Liddy Medal is in memory of Seán Liddy, a founding member of An Garda Síochána as well as the Garda Síochána Retired Members’ Association (formerly called the Garda Pensioners’ Association). He rose to the rank of chief superintendent after fighting in the War of Independence alongside Michael Collins.


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