Last Words for Good Friday
Music for Galway will team up with conductor Mark Duley once again this Easter, to present a special hour of music for Good Friday – with the aim of creating a space in which people of all faiths and none can take some time-out.
This year’s event features an enlarged group made up of chamber choirs, Resurgam and Collegium, and the English Cornett and Sackbut Ensemble in St. Nicholas’ Collegiate Church on Good Friday, April 19, at 5pm.
The programme takes its title from Heinrich Schütz’s beautiful setting of the last words of Christ on the cross – Die sieben Worte Jesu Christi am Kreuz.
Also included are settings of other texts, both in German and Latin, associated with death and final utterances – the canticle Nunc Dimittis and the funeral psalm, De Profundis, in versions by Schein, Lassus, Palestrina, Praetorius and Schütz again.
All of this gives the public the chance to take an hour out of the hustle and bustle and come to Galway’s own Collegium choir and the great Resurgam Chamber Choir, which has been part of the inimitable period productions of the Messiah at Christmas over many years in the past.
For more, read this week’s Galway City Tribune.
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