Archive News

January start for €450m development



Date Published: 31-Aug-2007

Work could begin in January on the new €450million redevelopment of the Crown Control site in Mervue — the single biggest development ever in the city — after the backers received a favourable decision from An Bord Pleanala.

The massive development on the 12.65 acre site will include retail units, offices and 140 apartments, as well as a hotel and will take between two and two-and-a-half years to complete.

The plans also include a public piazza — bigger than Kennedy Park in Eyre Square — which will be used for civic events such as the Mervue Festival, an outdoor market or as an artists’ performance area.

It is expected the development could create up to 1,000 jobs between construction and operation. Last year, the developers of the scheme — Harrmack Developments and Walter King (of GK Developments), were given the go-ahead by the City Council.

However, they were…..


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