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Galway Bay Fm Newsdesk

THERE has been an increased Garda presence in the vicinity of two South-East Galway bogs where there have been scenes of stand-offs in the past in the long-running turf cutting saga regarding harvesting fuel from some raised bogs.

Locals say that since last eveing Garda presence has increased in the vicinity of the Clonmoylan and Barroughter bogs where turf cutting has been banned under the EU’s Birds and Habitats Regulations.

But many people have defied this turf-cutting ban in bogs both in South-East and North Galway and already four men have had cases against them adjourned to the December 17th sitting of Galway Circuit Criminal Court.

Last weekend turf cutters defied the ban at a bog near Monivea and in spite of a large Garda presence and a lengthy stand-off the turf machines went into action in an area which is said to be designated as a Special Area of Conservation.

But while no attempt has been made to cut turf, either last evening or today, in the Clonmoylan or Barroughter bogs Garda activity has increased substantially there.

When contacted by Galway Bay Fm a Garda source confirmed that there has been an increased Garda presence in both of those South-East Galway bogs this weekend.


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