HSE plans expansion of mental health facility



The Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services unit at Merlin Park, which opened in 2010 at a cost of around €9 million and is now set for expansion.

The HSE West has drawn up plans for extensions to the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Unit at Merlin Park – built just 12 years ago – to bring it up to international standards.

The plans involve new bedrooms, new meeting room, family room, study room and a seclusion room with woodland views.

A planning application has been submitted to Galway City Council for three separate extensions to the in-patient facility, which comprises four buildings.

Plans were first approved for alterations and extensions in 2012, but funding has only now been secured for the works.

“The proposed alterations and extensions are required in order to meet international standards for mental health, whilst also improving interdepartmental connectivity, patient flow, segregation of patients and the visitor experience,” the application reads.

The development will involve:

• A 30 square metre single storey extension to the Adolescent Unit, which will allow for a meeting room, family room and accessible toilet.

• A 56 sq m single storey extension to the same unit which will add two single bedrooms.

• A single storey link will be created to connect the Children’s Unit with the Adolescent Unit. The latter unit will see the provision of a new seclusion room, ‘step-down room; and monitoring room.

“The relocation of the seclusion room is critical in providing the most effective care at CAMHS. This suite will have private access and views of the woodland,” the application reads.

According to the plans there has been “a very specific requirement” for the interlinking of what was “previously shown as the Children’s Unit” with the Adolescent Unit.

“This is due to the reduction in the number of children being admitted to the unit and the facility is now primarily an Adolescent Unit.

The CAMHS in Merlin Park comprises four individual units – Woodsend has six beds primarily designed for children; The Willows has 14 beds for adolescent care and three of the bedrooms are for High Dependency, which includes a seclusion rooms. There is a separate administration block which includes the main dining facilities, therapy and activity rooms and staff offices, while there is also a school campus and a parent accommodation flat.

The City Council is expected to reach a decision on the plans at the beginning of March.


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