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Health and Safety Authority report



A report carried in last week’s Connacht Tribune under the headline “Death knell rings for community schemes” – and subsequently published online – claimed that the Health and Safety Authority was responsible for effectively closing down a number of Local Involvement Schemes around the county.

It was based on claims made by Galway County Councillor Billy Connelly, who referred to one particular scheme in Kilcoona, which was being organised by Caherlistrane Community Council.

He incorrectly blamed this on the Health and Safety Authority – and the Connacht Tribune wrongly reported his claims – when in fact the decision to enforce safety regulations was made by officials from Galway County Council itself.

The HSA has rightly pointed out that it has no involvement whatsoever in relation to these projects under LIS, and that such projects are entirely a matter for the relevant local authority.

We apologise to the Health and Safety Authority for the inaccurate report and we are happy to clarify that the Authority had nothing whatsoever to do with any curtailing of these schemes.


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