Connacht Tribune

Gort holds large scale blitz on illegal waste



Local volunteers joined with staff from Galway County Council to instigate a major clean-up of illegal dumping around Gort last week.

The blitz was part of the Government’s anti-illegal dumping initiative, launched earlier this year by Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment Denis Naughten.

He encouraged local authorities and communities across the country to avail of a €650,000 allocation for the scheme.

Applications were reviewed and funding was allocated through the Waste Enforcement Regional Lead Authorities – and Galway’s two successful applications came from Polleeny in Barna and Station Road in Gort.

The resulted in last week’s major clean-up of all waste illegally deposited at Station Road, Gort undertaken by Galway County Council in conjunction with the local Community Employment Scheme, Probation Services, local landowners and Gort Tidy Towns group.

“We are supporting this clean-up of Station road, we have been advocating for this work to be done and are delighted to see this positive development,” said a spokesperson from Gort Tidy Towns.

Funding has also been secured for the erection of several gates / barriers to prevent further illegal dumping at this location and for the installation of both overt and covert CCTV surveillance.

“This initiative is very worthwhile and gives confidence to local people that the council takes the issue of illegal dumping seriously. I look forward to the installation of CCTV and barriers and we must then ensure that culprits caught in the act of dumping are dealt with severely through the legal system,” added local councillor Joe Byrne.

Minister Naughten announced in May that he would be doubling the funding available due to the large number of applications received.

That led to Galway County Council securing funding for six additional locations under the second phase of the initiative, with these works are due to commence in September.

For further information or to log a complaint in relation to illegal dumping please contact Galway County Council’s Environment Section at or on 091509510.


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