Connacht Tribune

Gardaí target roaming gangs in crackdown



Roving gangs of thieves who often use the motorway network for a quick exit after committing a robbery are being targeted by Gardai across the West of Ireland as part of Operation Thor, Winter 2018.

Gardai in Galway have confirmed that checkpoints have been stepped up at key locations aimed at intercepting the travelling gangs whose activity usually steps up during the Winter months.

A Galway Garda spokesperson told the Connacht Tribune that there would be an increased Garda visibility and checkpoints across the Western region aimed at intercepting criminals who preyed on houses in the quieter rural areas.

“Operation Thor proved to be very successful over last Winter with a major reduction in burglaries. This operation now has continued through recent months and we are satisfied that it is continuing to play a key role in helping to curb rural crime,” said the spokesperson.

Operation Thor has been directed by Assistant Commissioner, John O’Driscoll, who has responsibility for Special Crime Operations – he has met with senior detectives from the Western Region to devise a strategy to deal with the travelling gangs.

The Garda strategy actively targets organised crime gangs and repeat offenders through a co-ordinated crime prevention programme and enforcement activity, based on ‘intelligence’ and the latest burglary trends.

According to the Gardai, there is a typical 20% ‘surge’ in burglaries during the Winter months when gangs make use of the minimal daylight hours to carry out robberies under the cover of darkness.
This is a preview only. To read the rest of this article, see this week’s Galway City Tribune. Buy a digital edition of this week’s paper here.


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