Garda ‘no-nonsense’ approach for Mayo Monday and Donegal Tuesday



Gardaí will be taking a ‘no-nonsense’ approach to antisocial behaviour and public drinking during ‘Mayo Monday’ and ‘Donegal Tuesday’, as part of next week’s unofficial student ‘RAG Week’.

The events will coincide with the Solemn Novena at Galway Cathedral, which will attract around 90,000 people.

By yesterday, over 3,800 had indicated they intended or were interested in going to Donegal Tuesday, which kicks off early morning at the Hole in the Wall pub on Eyre Street. Over 1,200 similarly registered their support for Mayo Monday.

Continuing their practice in recent years, Gardaí are drafting in ‘paddywagons’ from outlying districts and will increase patrols across all areas known to be popular areas for students to congregate.

“We will be focusing on antisocial behaviour as in previous years and we will be taking a no-nonsense approach,” remarked a spokesman for Galway Gardaí.

“We’re not saying to people don’t enjoy themselves but we’d urge students to just be mindful of people around them. Everyone has responsibility for themselves.”

Dozens of students began to queue outside the Hole in the Wall before 9am last year, with 400 people lining the street waiting to gain entry by opening time at 10.30am.

The Students’ Unions at NUI Galway and GMIT withdrew their support for RAG Week events in 2011 due to a backlash over antisocial behaviour among drunken students.

A spokesperson for NUIG said: “While there hasn’t been a RAG Week since 2011, as is the case throughout the year, there may be independently-held events aimed at young adults, including students.

“Along with the wider city community, the University encourages responsible behaviour from organisers and participants.”

For more on the unofficial RAG Week, see this week’s Galway City Tribune.
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