
Galway suffers four workplace deaths in 2015



Four deaths were recorded in the workplace in Galway in 2015 – the third highest rate in the country – according to the annual report from the Health and Safety Authority.

They were amongst 55 people who lost their lives in places of work across the country last year, which is on a par with 2014.

The tragedies include eight-year-old Mark Fordham from Keamsella, Kilcolgan who was crushed by a potato-sorting machine on his family farm just five days before Christmas.

Also killed in a farming accident was 59-year-old bachelor farmer and taxi driver Michael McGrath, on November 11.

He died after falling from the roof of a farm building on his land at Laraghmore in Ballyglunin while carrying out repairs in preparation for Storm Abigail.

On September 11, married father-of-one John Murphy (53) from Coolfin, died after being crushed by a lorry which rolled backwards at the family quarry in Ballymacken, Ardrahan.

And on July 22 last, married father-of-two Joe Fahy (53) from Kilcurriff, Cummer, died after becoming trapped by machinery at a car dismantler’s yard near Corrandula.

In 2014, Galway had just one workplace death – the tragic crushing of toddler Solomon Soremekun by an elevator in the Hynes Building in the city.

It is believed that Solomon stepped into the lift as his mother and siblings were leaving the Social Welfare office in the building, and somehow managed to open the doors from the inside while the lift was moving.

In 2013, there were three workplace deaths in Galway.

According to the annual report for 2015, fatalities in agriculture were down by 40%, with 18 deaths reported compared to 30 in 2014.

However, construction fatalities increased from eight in 2014 to eleven in 2015 and the fishing sector also saw an increase from one in 2014 to five in 2015.

Incidents involving vehicles were the main cause of fatal accidents in the workplace, accounting for 21 of the total. Fifteen people were killed as a result of falls from height, the second most common cause of death.

Two-thirds of work-related deaths (37 of 55) occurred in businesses with fewer than ten employees, mainly in agriculture, construction and fishing.

There were four child fatalities in 2015, all of which occurred in agriculture.

The county with the highest number of fatalities in 2015 was Cork with ten reported, followed by Donegal with six.

Brian Higgisson, Assistant Chief Executive of the Health and Safety Authority, said the Authority will be looking for further improvements and reductions in accidents during 2016.

“All work-related deaths are tragic and while we must cautiously welcome the reduction in agriculture fatalities, it is still the most dangerous occupation and that needs to change.

“There are high levels of safety and health awareness in Irish workplaces and we must ensure that this translates to changes in behaviour and fewer accidents in all the sectors this year.

“We will continue to direct resources to the high-risk sectors, but health issues such as those caused by exposure to asbestos, dust, noise and manual handling are also major risks in the workplace. These hazards account for more work days lost than injuries and we intend to increase our focus on these topics during 2016,” he said.


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