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Galway Oireachtas members to meet ambulance service amid ongoing concerns



Galway Bay fm newsroom – Galway Oireachtas members will meet with representatives of the national ambulance service today amid ongoing concerns over the service in the city and Connemara. (Thursday 8/2)
The gathering will take place at the National Ambulance Control Centre in Tallaght.
Junior Minister and Galway West TD Sean Kyne says today’s meeting will provide an opportunity for Galway’s TDs and Senators to see first-hand how the ambulance control centre operates.
It’s hoped the meeting will also go some way to inform efforts to improve ambulance response times in the city and Connemara.
Concerns have been raised in recent months over response times across Connemara in particular, where patients are often left waiting over an hour for an ambulance to arrive.
A new ambulance base in Tuam has done little to improve the situation, according to local campaigners.


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