Galway in Days Gone By

Galway In Days Gone By



Taking part in the Coláiste Iognáid production of A Tale of Two Cities in the Jesuit Hall, Sea Road, in February1998 were Cathal Cunningham, Michael Roche and Richard Curtin.


Education is key

This week or the beginning of next, Irish boys and girls return to school. On the work that they do there during the succeeding years will largely depend the future of Ireland, for as the plant is bent, so shall the tree become.

Judged by the present day standard of ethics and conduct, something has been sadly lacking in the spiritual and secular training of the past.

Recently, a controversy – if it could be dignified with the name – has been running in the correspondence columns of the “Tribune”, on the future of education. It seems a thousand pities, if, indeed, it is not a definite national drawback, that intelligent men like national school teachers cannot discuss a subject that is of vital interest to them and their country in temperate language, without getting lost in a miasma of irrelevant abuse.

Yet it must be frankly and sadly confessed that those who have entered into correspondence on the subject have added little to the discussion. The controversy was begun by a contributor, who had very definite views, with which we did not altogether agree, but if the points at issue had been adhered to, it might have served a very useful purpose.

Teaching journals are clamouring that the general public do not take any interest in education. If to take an interest in education is to bring a hornets’ nest to one’s ears, then surely the invitation is a little ungracious.

For more, read this week’s Connacht Tribune.

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