Connacht Tribune

Galway girls shed pony tails in support of brave school-mate



Seven little girls have shown their incredible support for their school-mate in her battle with cancer – by cutting off their long pony tails for charity.

Ada Gallagher, Greta Gallagher, Emily Clarke, Katie Clarke, Lucy Clarke, Ròisìn Burke and Gràinne Burke – all from Kilchreest National School – decided to donate their hair to the Rapunzel Foundation to help their friend Niamh Davison.

On top of their generous hair donations, the young Loughrea girls have also set up a GoFundMe page online, with all the funds raised going towards Niamh’s cancer treatment, to date the page has raised over €2,000.

Six year old Niamh was diagnosed with a brain tumour called medullablastoma in December of last year and has been undergoing both radiotherapy and chemotherapy treatment ever since.

Niamh’s mother Jenna was overwhelmed by the support shown to their family by Niamh’s classmates and teachers upon hearing of the diagnosis.

“All the children rallied around her immediately; they take really good care of her,” she said.

Despite their young age, the girls understood the gravity of the situation immediately; doing everything they could to help Niamh through her treatment process.

“They walk with her and they stay in with her at playtime; there are no words to describe it,” she said.

See full story in this week’s Connacht Tribune.

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