Connacht Tribune

Galway Gardaí issue warning on Christmas drink driving



Gardaí in Galway are urging all road users to embrace the ‘SAFE’ message this Christmas – ‘Slow’ down, ‘Abstain’ from alcohol and drugs, ‘Fasten’ seatbelts at all times, and ‘Ensure’ that mobiles are never used while driving.

Supt Noel Kelly – Head of the Garda Regional Roads in the North-West region – said that the goal of the campaign was to get everyone home safely over the holiday season.

“What we want to ensure is that no family has to deal with the grief of having a loved one killed or seriously injured on the roads this Christmas/New-Year period.

“We ask everyone to remember to ensure that any action they might take while using the road network does not result in the loss of life or serious injury to anyone over the coming days and weeks,” said Supt. Kelly.

He also pointed out, that in addition to the death-toll figures on Irish roads, what was sometimes overlooked was the extent of serious injuries suffered by people as a result of collisions.

“Since the recording of serious injuries began in 1977, over 80,000 people have been seriously injured on Irish roads – the devastation caused to these individuals and their families is heart-breaking,” said Supt Kelly.

He also made a special appeal to ‘vulnerable road-users’ – such as cyclists and pedestrians – to ensure that they always wear high-vis clothing but especially so during the hours of darkness.

“Pedestrians need to understand that if they are socialising that they need to make arrangements to get home safely as research shows that alcohol could be in a factor in almost one third of pedestrian deaths.

“Cyclists should also ensure that they have correct lights in good working order – they are obliged at all times to adhere to the rules of the road. But I am asking motorists to always be conscious of pedestrian and cyclist road-users,” said Noel Kelly.

He added that for all drivers, a series of key principles would make a huge contribution to keeping everyone safe on the roads during the holiday season. These are:
■ If undertaking a longer journey, ensure that you are well rested and not feeling tired.
■ Always abide by the speed limits but also slow down when the need arises due to weather/road conditions.
■ Never forget to wear your seat-belts – even on the shortest of journeys – and the same goes for all passengers.
■ ‘Distraction driving’ can have catastrophic consequences – never, ever, be tempted to use a mobile or other device while at the wheel.
■ Never take a chance with driving decisions such as reckless overtaking and be aware of children on the road.
■ Get into the habit of carrying out routine checks on tyres/lighting and always be aware of pedestrians/cyclists.

Gardaí have advised motorists that they will be actively patrolling through the North West region over the holiday period – that includes Galway, Mayo and Roscommon – in both marked and unmarked vehicles.

The Garda operation will consist of Mandatory Intoxicating Testing Checkpoints (for both drugs and alcohol) – both during daylight hours and at night – as well as the use of all speed enforcement technologies.

They have also warned drivers that they will be facing ‘early-morning’ mandatory intoxicant checkpoints on the basis that one in ten alcohol-related fatal collisions occur in the morning after the consumption of alcohol.

“There is no safe level of alcohol you can consume before driving and you take a serious gamble in trying to guess how much would still keep you under the limit for driving,” said Supt Kelly.


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