Galway in Days Gone By

Galway In Days Gone By




War news

News from the War Fronts is most unsatisfactory and altogether unsatisfying. All the peoples of Europe are affected by the war, neutrals and belligerents alike, and naturally they look with anxiety for every item of news that may be of interest.

Today England claims a victory at sea, to-morrow Germany contradicts it flatly, and vice versa. Someone is assuredly lying and lying audaciously and it says little for the moral example of great nations that they can resort to practices in war time which are at once mean and contemptible.

Harbour development

Mr. Young, J.P., stated a deputation waited at Wednesday’s County Council meeting in connection with the proposed loan for the improvement of the harbour, and the Council had asked that they should guarantee to raise a penny in the £.

“I now formally propose that the rate be raised. The development of the harbour is an all-important question for Galway, and we should do everything in our power to push it forward.”

The new Volunteers

The new committee who have taken the reorganisation of the National Volunteers in hand will have the cordial support of every Nationalist, and, indeed, of every self-respecting Galwayman.

Recently, we had a demonstration of underhand Sinn Féin methods, of which any decent organisation or community would be well rid.

For many of those who profess Sinn Féin principles, we have considerable respect; we have not doubted their sincerity, and there have been times when we have been glad to support them in their efforts to crush out shoneenism, and infuse some national spirit into the city.

One or two of the local Sinn Féiners, at any rate, there are not many more who count – had earned the respect of the great body of the citizens, but we have yet to learn that those gentlemen have dissociated themselves from a course of conduct unworthy of a gang of dangerous irresponsibles.



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Houses to be vacated

Persons living in houses condemned under the Tuam clearance scheme will have to leave such houses soon and go into the new houses provided for them.

This is the effect of an order made by the Local Government Department stating that the clearance and demolition orders for the Bishop-street and Tullinadaly-road areas are now operative, and pointing out that there is no reason why any of the new houses under the scheme on Athenry-road should be vacant.

The Department intimated that if the Town Commissioners have not already done so, they should take immediate steps to enforce the orders already served on persons occupying condemned houses to vacate them without further delay.

For more, read this week’s Connacht Tribune.


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