Galway in Days Gone By

Galway in Days Gone By




The War Tribune

In the city, we shall issue a special war-sheet, containing the latest new, each evening between 4 and 5 o’clock.

War is on the lips of everybody. The most terrible struggle in the history of the world has burst upon us. The arrogant attitude of Germany, her “unmeasured aggrandisement,” as Sir Edward Grey put it, has been the prime lever moving the Continent to an Armageddon that may even at any moment embrace our island shores.

We have made special arrangements with our London Correspondent and with the Press Association to supply us with the latest intelligence which will be circulated up to the last minute while out Press is running, and displayed in our office windows soon after receipt.

Country readers sending us by post 1s. for the cost of wiring, can have the latest war news telegraphed to them each evening.

For 5s. per week, we shall telegraph them a comprehensive summary of the developments about 5 o’clock each afternoon.


Run on the banks

The alarm which the war has created was very noticeable in the fact that during the past week, the Tuam Post Office was besieged by Savings Bank depositors, who made heavy draws, if not complete clearance of their deposits.

On Tuesday, a large depositor at one of the Tuam banks came to town to drawn his money, but returned disappointed on finding the bank closed for the transaction of business.

For more from the Connacht Tribune archives from the last 25, 50, 75 and 100 years, see the current edition


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