Galway couple turn stories for their own son into trilogy for children!
What happens when you combine salty old tales of the sea with a little bit of Irish and the adventures of a mini-maritime skipper? You get Captain Cillian – the brainchild of a Galway couple who combined fun with learning in a unique new trilogy of books and more.
Carina Ginty works in learning and teaching development in GMIT; her husband John O’Connor is a graphic designer – and the Cillian is their six year old who was a new-born when the concept first began to take root.
It finally came to fruition last week with the First Class pupils of Scoil Íde in Galway city helped launch the Captain Cillian collection – appropriately on the shores of Galway Bay off Salthill Prom.
In essence, it’s an ocean adventure book collection for children aged from three to nine.
Each story takes children on a journey of discovery where they will explore Ireland including the Wild Atlantic Way, learn about ocean facts and key words in the Irish language.
And at the end of each story children will complete a quiz, puzzles and some creative playtime activities.
So while the young readers are enthralled by the little Irish explorer who sails around Ireland and the world, the books most definitely have education – as well as entertainment – in mind.
“The idea of Captain Cillian started back in 2008, when I was undertaking a PhD in GMIT examining the value of marine tourism in Ireland and how we engage children from an early age with the sea. Together with my husband John, who is a very creative graphic designer, the Captain Cillian character came to life,” explains Carina.
The books are suitable for home play activities and bedtime reading – but the collection is also a great teaching resource for the classroom, with four key learning themes centring on exploring Ireland; ocean facts, learning Irish, and how to create and play.
Carina works in learning and teaching development in GMIT and prior to this worked in marketing roles for technology companies, while John works with Proactive Design & Marketing in Galway.
Carina loves the sea, travelling and developing educational resources and John loves running along Galway Bay and bringing ideas to life through design.
“Together as a team and under the guidance of our two sons Cillian (6) and Breen (4) we created Captain Cillian. After many cups of tea, consultations with advisors, long walks on the famous Salthill Prom, Captain Cillian’s ship finally set sail in October 2015!” says Carina.
Captain Cillian was a natural choice of name as the couple’s first son is called Cillian who was born at Christmas 2008.
“We felt it was a great Irish name that would travel well and being a Captain of a ship, it also connects with ocean explorations and discovery. What makes the Captain Cillian book collection unique is the fact he is a young Irish ocean explorer with an Irish identifiable brand that will appeal to national and international audiences with connections to Ireland,” she adds.
Captain Cillian adventure books are priced at €6.99 each or the Adventure Pack or Birthday Gift Pack is currently selling for €25, including shipping worldwide.
“Alternatively clubs or schools can avail of the Captain Cillian fundraising programme during the year, where we will donate 20% of sales proceeds back to the participating organisations from purchases made.
“Funds raised could be used to buy equipment, technology devices, arts and craft supplies, painting or decorating, or pay for class tours or adventures. The process is easy and school or club orders can be placed by contacting,” says Carina.
The Captain Cillian learning adventure books are currently available to buy online at Plans are also progressing to place the book collection in retail outlets and visitor centres.