
Galway contingent play their part in Lebanon



If there were no trouble spots, there would be no role for peacekeepers – and Ireland’s troops have long been to the forefront of that effort in some of the world’s hottest spots.

One of those soldiers currently deployed with the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) is Darren Clarke is from Swinford in Mayo, who is based at Dun Ui Mhaoilíosa in Renmore.

He is one of a massive western commitment to this peacekeeping efforts – there are currently 53 personnel from Galway, nine from Mayo, four from Roscommon and one from Sligo on this tour.

Darren is an Infantry Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO); an Armoured Personnel Carrier (APC) gunner in 2 Section, 1 Platoon, and this is his fifth trip overseas.

“I’ve had one to Kosovo, two to Liberia and two to Lebanon and I can see the changes being made every time I go overseas,” he says.

Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Charlie Flanagan, inspects the departing Irish peacekeepers

“The main tasking for our company (B Coy) is conducting patrols in our area of operations (AO). There are a number of different types of patrols that we perform including checkpoints, area dominating patrols, foot and vehicle patrols, counter rocket launching operations and ‘Blue Line’ patrols.

“The Blue Line is an area of separation between the Lebanese-Israeli border. UNIFIL is tasked with monitoring any violations across the Blue Line and liaises with the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) and Israeli Defence Force (IDF) to avoid any escalation.

“We often carry out Coordinated Operational Activities with LAF (COWAL’s) which sees us assist them with patrolling high risk area to prevent any hostile activity within our AO,” he explains.

“We are currently in UNP 2-45 the HQ of FINIRISHBATT and there are two Blue Line positions – one at 6-50 which is manned by the Finnish Contingent and one at 6-52 which is manned by the Irish Contingent.

“Our portion of the Blue Line extends for 11.3kms and there are 14 towns and villages within the FINIRISHBATT AO. A Coy, the Finnish Coy have responsibility for seven of these villages with B Coy, the Irish Coy having responsibility for six villages.

“Due to its important regional role the town of Bn HQ retains responsibility for Bint Jubayl,” Darren adds.

While the Mayo man is on his fifth overseas tour, he pales beside his fellow Renmore peacekeeper and Galway native, BSM Fintan Lambe, who is on a remarkable 17th tour of duty.

The 47 Inf Gp consisting of 181 personnel were activated and formed up in Renmore Barracks Galway on September 22 last.

Following two months of intensive pre-deployment training which included a two week Mission Readiness Exercise the Main Body of the unit deployed to LEBANON on November 18.

The majority of the 47 Inf Gp are taken from 1 Cn Cois, in Galway followed by 1 Bde Arty Regt in Cork,  3 Inf Bn in Kilkenny, DFTC CIS in The Curragh, 12 Inf Bn in Limerick and so on. Overall there are 31 units represented within the 47 Inf Gp.

The 47 Inf Gp have a good mixture of experience and personnel on their first overseas tour of duty. 130 personnel have previously served overseas of which 197 tours of duty have been completed to UNIFIL.

“We have a varied daily schedule and if I am not on security or operational duty then I am kept busy with the daily maintenance and servicing of the MOWAG’s we use for patrols and convoys,” says Darren.

“Training is also a key part of our job here in Lebanon. We are deployed with troops from the Finnish Defence Forces and we have completed a considerable amount of training in coordination with our Finnish counterparts during our pre-deployment, induction and continuous training during our rotation.

“It is important that the local population to see us as a credible and competent force that is effecting positive change in the region,” he adds.

But this work comes at a personal price because it means time away from loved ones at home.

“That’s why I would like to give a big thank you to all my friends and family, especially my partner Catriona and my daughter, Samantha, for their continued support. Our mission would not be possible without the support and commitment from our loved ones,” says Darren.

The man who shares his name with our Ryder Cup-winning captain is also proud to play his part in helping to bring back stability to the region by patrolling and supporting the local community.

“Seeing the difference that we make to the local community is definitely one of the perks of the job. Our Civilian-Military Co-operation (CIMIC) teams are working to support local communities through different projects including the construction of playgrounds and watering holes as well as providing English lessons, mine awareness, first aid and hygiene training to locals,” he says.

The commitment and courage of soldiers like Darren Clarke and his colleagues has undoubtedly helped to enhance the standing of the country internationally and we are held in high regard amongst troop contributing nations.

The Defence Forces first deployed to UNIFIL from 1978 to 2001 – that’s 23 years continuous service. UNIFIL II saw the deployment of Defence Forces to Lebanon again from 2006 to 2007. The Defence Forces deployed for the third time in May 2011.

The Irish Defence Forces are proud to proclaim that they are working hard to achieve the goals of UN Security Council resolution 1701 by monitoring the cessation of hostilities, supporting the Government of Lebanon and assisting the population.

And their presence there now continues a long and proud history of peace support operations in Lebanon with over 30 years of experience leaving troops with extensive experience of the culture, geography and people of South Lebanon.


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