
Galway City’s image in need of ‘tweaking’



Galway’s ‘brand’ is set to be refined to meet the changing needs of modern tourists who visit the city.

The tourism sector makes a major contribution to the city’s economy and prosperity, but Galway’s image needs tweaking, according to the latest draft development plan.

“The city has a distinctive cultural heritage, vibrancy, intimate urban fabric and also has the attraction of being a traditional seaside resort. Tourist revenue contributes greatly to the hospitality industry as well as support for many festivals and attractions in the city,” the plan states.

However, it says there is a “perceived need to refine what is the ‘Galway’ tourist experience, given the changes in profile of tourists, their demands and preferences and length of stay.”

In order to rectify this perception, the City Council plans to develop a new tourism strategy along with the Galway County Council and other interested bodies. The development plan will, “encourage and facilitate sustainable tourism development, in particular, facilities experiences, attractions and activities that reflect the city’s unique culture and heritage.”

The development plan also identifies three key sectors of Galway’s economy that have the potential for growth.

The marine sector can contribute more to the economy, the document says, and it points to plans for the expansion of Galway Harbour, a development that “could have strategic importance” for the city.

For more on the proposals in the City Development Plan


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