Galway City Council to deliver 1,100 new homes



Galway City Tribune – Galway City Council said this week they are confident of exceeding their target of 1,400 social housing units for the 2016-2021 period – as Minister Eoghan Murphy announced a new Housing Delivery Taskforce for the city and county.

Dermot Mahon, Acting City Council Director of Housing Services told the Galway City Tribune that for the three-year period from 2019 to 2021 alone, they are on target to provide a total of 1,100 new housing units.

He said that as regards the Galway Housing Delivery Task Force confirmed this week by Minister Murphy, this could have a further positive impact in terms of looking at any blockages in the system and in the fast-tracking of some of the schemes.

“I would describe 2018 as something of a ‘gap year’ but this had been expected, coming as it did after an extended period when no local authority building happened,” said Dermot Mahon.

He pointed out that 200 housing units were currently under construction in the city with a further 150 to begin during the Summer and another 300 going to the planning stage later  this year. Demand by ‘singles’ for smaller housing units in the city stands at 54% of the total waiting list, higher than the national average of 47%.
This is a preview only. To read the rest of the details on the Council’s plans for social housing delivery up to 2021, see this week’s Galway City Tribune. Buy a digital edition of this week’s paper here, or download the app for Android or iPhone.


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