Connacht Tribune

Galway bands take Mayday signal to rally to the cause



Turnstiles...doing their bit for worthy cause.

Groove Tube with Cian O’Connell

In a difficult year, the Galway arts community has been a persevering and positive outlet for the city both as a distraction from the mundanity of multiple lockdowns and a source of charity and compassion. The latest example of the latter is Mayday, a Zoom event curated by Louise Freya McDowell and Jack Smeaton. While the stream itself is free to attend, it is being run alongside a GoFundMe campaign for the Galway Rape Crisis Centre that has so far raised close to €400.

Scheduled for 8pm on Saturday, May 1, the link for the gig can be found in the description of the fundraising page.

Performing on the night are punk five-piece Turnstiles, singer-songwriter Jossle and surf rock group Yellow Tinted Windows, of which co-organiser Jack Smeaton is a member. It’s an impressive line-up and a very important cause.

“The Rape Crisis Centre is so important in Galway,” Louise notes.

“I’ve always been conscious of that… Organisations and places that draw attention to sexual experiences and mental health don’t always get the recognition they should. It’s an issue that affects everyone.

“One in five women and one in ten men experience sexual misconduct. Among third level students, 66% of people go through a negative sexual experience. It’s just extremely important and definitely something that needs help.”

“It happens far too often for people to be uneducated on it,” Jack continues.

“About a month ago, the Sarah Everard case came to light and it made me think about how heart-breaking it is talking to friends when a lot of people have their own sexual harassment stories.

“It all came to light and then Louise suggested this fundraiser gig and I thought that would be perfect.”

For more, read this week’s Connacht Tribune.

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