Galway 2020 board to hold crisis meeting
From this week’s Galway City Tribune – The Board of Galway 2020 is to hold an emergency meeting next week to discuss the future of the project, amid speculation that it could be allowed to run into 2021 because of Covid-19.
Galway City Council Chief Executive Brendan McGrath told councillors this week that the board will meet on Monday to discuss the viability of the project.
Meanwhile, Arthur Lappin, Chair of Galway 2020, has withdrawn a request to meet with councillors individually or in party groupings to discuss their decision to refuse a further €2.5m in funding, after conceding it would be “inappropriate” due to the Covid-19 emergency.
Cllr Pauline O’Reilly (Green) said she believes a number of options are open to Galway 2020 and that the company and city could first seek to extend it in to 2021.
“Fundamentally, given the strain on public finances and the fact that I and many others are calling for a moratorium on commercial rates, the basic truth is that the city should not continue with the funding plan for Galway 2020 unless we are supporting local groups,” she said.
Cllr John Connolly (FF) added: “It’s extremely difficult given the uncertainty that currently prevails to see how the project can continue in 2020.”
This is a preview only. To read the rest of this article, see this week’s Galway City Tribune. Buy a digital edition of this week’s paper here.
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