Firefighters attacked with stones during Halloween callout



Galway City Tribune – Missiles were thrown at emergency service workers who responded to reports of illegal bonfires in Westside on Halloween night.

Stones and other objects were thrown at firefighters who arrived at a bonfire in Corrib Park on Wednesday evening. Galway Gardaí and Galway City Council staff also attended. One arrest was made, but Galway Gardaí said this year’s Halloween was relatively quiet compared to previous years.

City Councillor Ollie Crowe (FF) has called for the authorities to be more co-ordinated and structured in their approach to October 31.

Cllr Crowe said there should be three dedicated zones – one in City West, one in City East and one in City Central – where Halloween bonfires are allowed and are controlled.

He said the emergency services were targeted with missiles when they arrived on the scene in Corrib Park. “It is unacceptable that these workers would be pelted with rocks and other objects. To be firing stuff at them while they’re trying to do their job on the busiest night of the year for Galway Fire Brigade is not on,” he added.
This is a preview only. To read the rest of this article, see this week’s Galway City Tribune. Buy a digital edition of this week’s paper here.


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