
Fifty-bed mental health facility set to be completed by autumn 2017



Construction work has begun on the new fifty-bed Acute Adult Mental Health Unit at University Hospital Galway.

Initial ground works on the site – previously a carpark – are complete and pre-cast concrete walls are being installed. The project is to be finished by autumn of next year.

The two-storey building will span almost 4,750 square metres and is Phase 2 of a two-part plan costing €15m.

The first phase was the construction of a two-storey carpark to the rear of the hospital, which has nearly 240 spaces.

Tony Canavan, Chief Officer HSE Community Services said: “I am really pleased to see the progress that is being made on the development of the new Acute Adult Mental Health Unit on the grounds of UHG. The existing facility is old and requires replacement.

“While the focus of modern mental health services is very much on the provision of care in the community there will always be a need for some in-patient capacity.

“The National Strategy for the development of mental health services ‘A Vision for Change’ provides for the need for a facility such as this in this location,” said Mr Canavan.


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