Connacht Tribune

Farmers welcome flood works



The days of North Galway farmers having to evacuate their cattle during the winter months to neighbouring slatted houses looks set to be coming to an end.

It follows the announcement of more than €70,000 for flood alleviation works in the Abbeyknockmoy area that are set to commence by the end of the year.

Prior to this, the Office of Public Works did not consider allocating funding for the flood alleviation works at Feigh West, Abbeyknockmoy, because the rising waters did not affect family dwellings.

But now there has been something of a change as funding has been provided for an area that floods on an annual basis and could result in up to ten acres being left under water for several months.

Local FG Cllr Pete Roche said that he is living in this particular area where the flood waters often come up to his back door.

But he quickly referred to his neighbour Joe Fahy who was filmed during the 2015 floods carrying bales on his back through several feet of water trying to feed his cattle.

In the end, this particular farmer, along with one other in the immediate area, had to evacuate their cattle as their slatted houses were engulfed by flood waters.

While much of the attention was on the effects that the floods were having in South Galway, there were certain pockets in the North of the county that were affected as well.

“The lands and the road has been flooding for years but the problem is that we did not fulfill a cost benefit analysis because there were no houses affected.

“We simply did not qualify for funding because there were no dwellings flooded but all of a sudden we have been allocated this sum of money which is very welcome,” Cllr Roche added.

The funding will provide for the installation of 600 metres of underground piping as well as the dredging and cleaning of several local drains. It will also result in the local road being kept flood-free in the event of heavy downpours.

Both Joe Fahy and his neighbour JB McGrath now have had to use slatted houses belonging to other farmers in the area as their farmyards were left under water.

Galway East TD Sean Canney has welcomed the works at a cost of €71,685. It will be a joint initiative between the Office of Public Works and Galway County Council.

“The works to be funded include the replacement of three road crossings and the installation of piping and the opening of drains.

“The works when complete will protect homes, farmyards and access roads in flood events. I want to acknowledge the efforts of all involved including local residents, Galway County Council and the OPW in securing the funding,” Deputy Canney said.


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