Connacht Tribune

Farmers still owed €45m in payments from 2018



GALWAY farmers are understood to be owed several million euro in payments – outstanding from 2018 – with the biggest chunk of them relating to the 15% GLAS balancing payment.

According to IFA Deputy President, Richard Kennedy, a total of €45 million is owned nationally to farmers for 2018 payments, and he has called on the Dept. of Agriculture to immediately pay out these monies.

“It is unacceptable that this money is being held up at a time when farmers are on their knees and are in desperate need of income support,” said Richard Kennedy.

Given the high number of Galway participants in GLAS, it is estimated that farmers from the county could be due as much as €3m in backpayments from 2018.

Galway IFA Chairperson, Anne Mitchell, told the Farming Tribune, that the reason given to them for not paying out the balancing GLAS 15% payment was because of Department computer problems.

“This is completely unacceptable to farmers. This is money that’s badly wanted at farm level at a very expensive time of year for farmers when the cashflow situation is very tight. We are calling on the Minister and the Department to pay out this money immediately,” said Anne Mitchell.

For more, read this week’s Connacht Tribune.

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