Connacht Tribune
Factories are called on again to pay a ‘fair price’
THERE have been renewed calls this week from farm leaders and the Minister for Agriculture for the meat factories ‘to play ball’ in terms of paying a realistic price for cattle.
Despite a growing gap between Irish and UK base prices – €4.20c/kg in the UK as against €3.60/kg here – the meat plants have been accused of ‘digging in’ on the low prices issue.
According to outgoing IFA National Livestock Chairman, Angus Woods, Irish prices had ‘major potential’ to rise, given the gap between the Irish and the UK figures.
“The base price has re-opened [this year] at €3.60/kg for steers and heifers, but supplies are tight and better deals are being negotiated.
“Prices in our main export market in the UK have continued to rise over the holiday period with R3 steers making the equivalent of €4.20/kg including VAT for week ending Dec 28th,” he said.
The recently elected Connacht IFA Regional Chair, Pat Murphy, said it defied belief that the meat plants were still lagging so far behind the UK market on cattle prices.
“Someone has to stand up for farmers in this whole sorry affair – we need the Minister for Agriculture to get directly involved.
“An immediate increase in the base price to €4 per kg. is the absolute minimum requirement. And this is only the break-even price for producers as determined by independent Teagasc analysis,” said Pat Murphy.
For more, read this week’s Connacht Tribune.
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