
Employment schemes leave older workers in limbo



A Galway East TD has called for a rethink on Community Employment schemes, warning that older people who finish up on schemes are being ‘left in limbo’ on the dole until they reach pension age.

Fine Gael Deputy Paul Connaughton said he is aware of several participants who are about to finish up on the scheme, and now face having to claim Jobseekers Allowance until they are eligible for the Old Age Pension.

He has called for a rethink on CE schemes which would allow older people to continue participating until they qualify for a pension.

Otherwise, he believes, rural schemes in County Galway will find it difficult to fill vacancies.

“I accept that CE programmes aim to get people back to work in their own locality, but there are now new challenges facing many scheme operators who are finding it difficult to get participants for these schemes.

“One glaring example of where the continuity of such schemes should be guaranteed, at least in the short term, is to allow older participants to continue to work in the CE schemes right up until they qualify for a pension.

“I am aware of several participants who are about to be let go because they have completed their quota of years in the scheme but who are now over sixty years of age.

“These men and women have almost no hope of further employment in the jobs market and will be consigned to drawing Jobseekers Allowance or other benefits until they are eligible for the Old Age Pension.

“It would make much more sense to keep this cohort of CE scheme workers on the books over the next few years and given their experience and dedication to community development work in every half parish in the country, their contribution would be much more worthwhile to the economy than being in receipt of social welfare.

“Involvement in CE schemes and other training schemes – particularly for younger participants – is leading to worthwhile jobs as a result of the Government commitment to pay employers €7,500 to provide a job for a CE participant with one year’s experience on a scheme or a worthwhile €10,000 to the participant with two years’ experience on such a scheme,” said Deputy Connaughton.

He said he has contacted Social Protection Minister Joan Burton about the matter.


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