
Double bill of Murphy at Druid



Playwright Tom Murphy joined the cast of Druid Theatre on Monday as rehearsals kicked off for the world premiere of his latest work, Brigit, which will open in Galway next month.

Brigit is a prequel to Tom’s 1985 masterpiece, Bailegangaire, and the two pieces are being staged as part of one major production.

Both will be directed by Druid’s Artistic Director Garry Hynes, who directed Bailegangaire first time out.

The central figure of Bailegangaire is Mommo, who tells over and over again a story she never finishes. It’s about the town of Bochtán and how it came to be known as Bailegangaire, or the town without laughter. Mary, Mommo’s granddaughter, looks after her, but is torn between staying and going. Mary’s sister, Dolly, counts down the days before her husband, Stephen, returns from England when she’s determined to be ready for him. The sisters’ relationship is not harmonious.

The original production of Bailegangaire featured Siobhán McKenna as Mommo, Marie Mullen as Mary and Mary McEvoy as Dolly. Marie Mullen is back this time when she takes on the enormous role of Mommo, while Aisling O’Sullivan plays Dolly and Catherine Walsh plays Mary.

For Brigit, Tom Murphy travels back in time 30 years to weave a new pattern from the lives of these three women. He also adds other memorable characters including Mommo’s husband Seamus (Bosco Hogan), grandchild Tom, the local curate, Fr Kilgariff (Marty Rea) and the Reverend Mother (Jane Brennan).

Mommo’s husband, Seamus, is an odd-job man with ‘a great pair of hands’. He is given ‘a commission’ by the church to carve a statue. His previous experience of working for the church was none too happy. However, he reluctantly accepts the commission and as he works on the statue, his obsession with it grows. This comes to involve his family, who are on the breadline – Mommo and the three grandchildren they have inherited.

For Tom Murphy, the “two plays belong together” and he is excited at the prospect of seeing what Druid will do with them. Garry Hynes agrees that they are companion pieces.

“I can think of no better circumstances in which to present the world premiere of Brigit than alongside a revival of Tom’s great play, Bailegangaire,” she says.

Both Brigit and Bailegangaire will be staged at Galway’s Town Hall Theatre from September 9-21, with the world premiere of Brigit and the opening night of Bailegangaire in a double bill on Sunday, September 14.

Brigit will preview at the Town Hall on September 9 and 19 and Bailegangaire will preview on September 11 and 12, both at 8pm.

The two will preview together on September 13 at 6.30pm, before the official opening on September 14.


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