Decision looms on outline plans for new ‘Ceannt Quarter’



Galway City Tribune – A decision is looming from CIE management on outline proposals for the development of ‘Ceannt Station Quarter’ – a project which will cost several hundred million euro and shape the future of Galway City Centre.

Last September, CIE advertised for a partner for the redevelopment of 8.18 acres into a new urban quarter for the city.

It will potentially include an extended train and bus station, along with a new hotel, shops, apartment ‘skyscraper’, offices and an urban park space.

It is understood that the project attracted significant interest among national and international property development companies – according to the commercial property agents handling the deal, as well as the well-documented pent-up demand for high-quality office space and residential units, around 20 national and international brand names are looking for retail space here of a suitable size.

A spokesperson for CIE confirmed to the Galway City Tribune that the tenders are currently with the Board of Management, and within the next four to six weeks, a clearer picture will emerge.

“The Board will be reviewing proposals and will seek more information and clarification where necessary,” he said.

When a preferred partner is selected, a planning application will then be drawn up, along with a masterplan for the entire site.

Under the current City Development Plan, the City Council has ordered that a masterplan for the site must be drawn up, with a “significant level” of engagement with the local authority, the public and adjoining landowners.

A minimum of 30% of the overall space in the development will have to be residential, and the developer must also provide a cultural/arts facility.
To read the rest of this article, see this week’s Galway City Tribune. Buy a digital edition of this week’s paper here, or download the app for Android or iPhone.


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