Connacht Tribune

Database on labour for farms is set up



Galway IFA Chairperson, Anne Mitchell

A REGIONAL farm labour database is being set up this week aimed at linking farm families affected by a COVID-19 illness with an available relief worker.

The initiative by Teagasc – in collaboration with the Farm Relief Service (FRS), the ICMSA and the IFA – is aimed at helping farms where the main farm operator is either hospitalised or isolated due to the coronavirus.

Galway IFA Chairperson, Anne Mitchell, told the Farming Tribune, that this initiative would help to give peace-of-mind to many farmers who are worried about what would happen if they were diagnosed with COVID-19.

“This is a very practical initiative aimed at helping farmers who would be unable to work or mix with people if they picked up the coronavirus.

“It would be a big help in helping them to link up with a farm operative who could carry out their normal day-to-day farming duties during the course of their illness,” said Anne Mitchell.

Teagasc Director, Professor Gerry Boyle, said that he was encouraging farmers, rural dwellers – and students with a basic knowledge of farming – to contact Teagasc over the coming days.

He said that these would be people with the skills to help out with farming tasks such as milking, calf-rearing, grassland management, silage and meal feeding, as well as general farming duties.

For more, read this week’s Connacht Tribune.

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