
Craughwell spring surprise against 14-man Turloughmore



Craughwell 0-12

Turloughmore 0-10

A mild surprise occurred at Kenny Park on Saturday evening as Craughwell summoned a performance dripping with character to defeat Turloughmore.

That Craughwell played two thirds of the match without talisman Niall Healy, who was stretchered off, merely confirmed how defiant they had to be to secure the Group C spoils.

Having stunned 2013 All Ireland club champions St Thomas Craughwell were loaded with confidence and it showed as they examined Turloughmore’s credentials from the outset.

Turlough carry weighty expectations with them into most campaigns, but this was a worrying loss, especially the manner Craughwell were permitted to set the agenda initially. The margin for Turlough error in their next two matches is slim because Craughwell restricted them to 10 points from 23 scoring opportunities.

Those figures prove just how hard Craughwell worked during an honest hour of hurling. Even when Niall Healy left the fray, Turlough couldn’t claim the initiative as they were frustrated by Craughwell’s application.

Adrian Cullinane minded the house expertly at centre-back and ultimately Turlough’s inside line were starved of quality possession. Whatever ball found its way through was adequately dealt with by a stingy Craughwell defence.

Strangely Turlough never got going and for that reason alone they left Athenry nursing regrets. It was mainly due to Craughwell’s spirit and once the underdogs commenced brightly Turlough were suddenly scrambling around trying to figure out what was happening midway through the first half.

Ultimately that is when Craughwell gained the belief that Turlough could be added to their list of scalps in this year’s competition. Stephen Glennon had Craughwell ready for action, and following a lively start the teams had evenly divided four points in the opening seven minutes.

What followed was important as Turlough squandered a gilt-edged chance to plunder a goal when Ronan Badger crashed an eighth minute penalty off the crossbar. Relieved to have survived that scare, Craughwell responded by clipping three points without reply.

For more, read this week’s Connacht Tribune.


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