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County council takes lead in outer city by pass project



Galway Bay fm newsroom – Galway County Council has agreed to take the lead in the administrative function of pursuing the outer city bypass.

The agreement, which was passed by city council earlier this month, was debated and given unanimous support by councillors attending today’s meeting of the local authority.

The County Council is to pursue the project through the IROPI process, after the Supreme court overturned planning permission for the bypass.

Part of the lands required for the outer city bypass lies within the administrative area of both city and county councils.

Director of services for roads and transportation Frank Gilmore told the meeting the council would be re-examining the whole scheme from east to west and was ‘very confident’ the new plan would satisfy any European directives.

He added that while NO consultants had been selected yet to verify route selections, the council is having informal discussions with the national parks and wildlife services.

Councillor Tomas O Cuirrean said while he was all for the environment it was of serious concern that a bunch of auld cotton could stop progress.

Councillor Michael Mogie Maher said the lack of a bypass was putting Galway back 50 years, while Peter Feeney said the project had to be pursued to the end and had to be successful.

Councillors agreed unanimously that the county council perform the powers, duties and functions of the city council relating to carrying out the scheme.


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