
Council in off the deep end on harbour debt



Galway County Council is still owed €8.5 million by the State, for costs incurred in the construction of the Cill Rónaín and Caladh Mór harbour contracts.

And according to election candidate, Cllr Sean Canney, the local authority has now warned that it is considering legal action to recoup outstanding costs on the projects.

The Cé an Chalaidh Mhóir on Inis Mean was opened in 2008 at a cost of €14m, while Kilronan Harbour costing some €40 million was finished in 2012.

But a local government audit of the coffers from 2013 has queried the size and length of the debt incurred for work on Kilronan and Caladh Mór harbour developments.

Galway County Council had administered the contract on behalf of the Department. That money was spent on the projects after a commitment was given to be reimbursed from central coffers.

But sometime later it became evident that the Department left the Council short of funding by a massive €8.5 million.

“When this first came to my attention a number of years ago I was informed by officials that the Council followed all procedures required under the contract. The contractor has been fully paid. The Department have failed to reimburse the Council,” said Cllr. Canney.

“It is a major cost that Galway County Council cannot afford to carry,” he added.

“I am calling on Minister Heather Humphrey’s to act immediately to sort this issue. Court proceedings will cost more public money and will be of no benefit to anyone,” he concluded.


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