Council halts work on erection of ‘monster’ phone mast
From this week’s Galway City Tribune – The City Council has issued a warning letter to Eir telecom to cease unauthorised works on the installation of what locals believe is a ‘monster mast’ at a site overlooked by Leitir Burca in Knocknacarra.
The unexpected arrival of contractors to the site next to 51/52 Drom Óir on Monday morning set off alarm bells with local residents as works got underway to install a large foundation for the mast. Those works are understood to be complete.
Residents in Leitir Burca enjoy an unspoiled view across Galway Bay and, according to one property owner in the area, the mast would be ‘directly in our eyeline’, with the houses at a height above the mast’s location.
Following representations to local representatives and the City Council, a planning Enforcement Officer visited the site on Wednesday, a spokesperson for the local authority confirmed.
Leitir Burca resident Paul Grange told the Galway City Tribune that residents in the estate were horrified at the suggestion that a mast would be constructed so close to people’s homes without any prior warning.
“It’s just the other side of the green from the houses where all the children play and we would have serious health concerns about that.”
(Photo: Lucas Grange and Reuben Sheahan playing in the green area at Leitir Burca beside the mast site (adjacent to the white van) at Drom Óir).
This is a shortened preview version of this article. To read the rest of the story, see this week’s Galway City Tribune. You can buy a digital edition HERE.