Corrib Great Southern faces demolition within weeks



From this week’s Galway City Tribune – Buildings on the old Dawn Dairies site in Renmore will be demolished within weeks, with work set to begin on the Corrib Great Southern Hotel shortly afterwards, the City Council Chief Executive has revealed.

Brendan McGrath was answering questions about the controversial Corrib Great Southern site on the Dublin Road, which has been a magnet for antisocial behaviour for many years and the location for a number of arson attacks, infuriating local residents.

Cllr Alan Cheevers (FF) asked what fees have been handed over by the owners after they were served with a vacant sites levy. The owners are Trigo Property Company Ltd, part of the Comer Group and Welcorrib Ltd, owned by Clonbur-based husband and wife Padraic and Martina McHale of the McHale Group in Mayo.

He noted that the company owned by Glenamaddy brothers, Luke and Brian Comer, recently posted €200m in profits.

Galway City Council has around 16 sites on its Derelict Sites Register, which includes the Corrib Great Southern and the former Connacht Laundry site on St Helen Street in ‘the West’ – owned by the Comers and the McHales.
This is a shortened preview version of this article. To read the rest of it, and details about the Dawn Dairies and Connacht Laundry sites, see this week’s Galway City Tribune. You can buy a digital edition HERE.


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