Clubbers ready to Bounce at Róisín in new music venture



A new club night for young adults with intellectual disabilities is kicking off in the city’s Róisín Dubh next Monday night, March 27, and will take place once a month in the Dominick Street venue.

Bounce Night Club is being run held under the auspices of That’s Life, an arts, leisure and personal development programme which is part of the Brothers of Charity Organisation in Galway. That’s Life aims to make the arts more accessible to people with intellectual disabilities.

DJ and Video Journalism training are among the projects which have developed at That’s Life as well as Electric Dreams, a six-piece indie pop outfit consisting of four people with intellectual disabilities and two professional Galway musicians

That’s Life have been hosting Club Tropicana in the Black Box Theatre for the past eight year and it has always been a sell-out event. In light of that success, the group has now decided to have host a monthly club, Bounce, so that the DJs, VJs and club-goers can enjoy a regular night out.

The main aim of Bounce is to create a fun, safe and accessible space for young adults with intellectual disabilities, somewhere they can  socialise, listen to music and dance in a club environment.

The DJs and VJs with intellectual disabilities are being supported by experienced Galway DJs and VJs  and play a wide range of music including pop, rock, hip hop and RnB.

The first night takes place on Monday March 27th from 8pm-11pm in the Róisín Dubh. €5 admission charge. Wheelchair accessible. Over 18s.


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