Cllrs claim Park & Ride cannot succeed without ring road



A computer-generated image of the proposed fifth bridge over the Corrib, part of the ring road project.

The Green Party came under fire for its continued opposition to Galway’s proposed ring road – with several Galway County councillors insisting that the provision of Park & Ride facilities will not solve the traffic nightmare without the new road as well.

County Council Director of Services Derek Pender said that the project was not “dead in the water” as it was back for further consideration by An Bord Pleanála. He said that Galway County Council was the lead authority when it came to the ring road.

During a lengthy discussion on Park & Ride facilities and the outer ring road, Cllr Alastair McKinstry (Green) said that it was important to take cars off the road and even suggested removing some of the parking in the city to discourage motorists from making the journey to Galway.

However, Cllr Noel Thomas (FF) said that the ring road was required for Park & Ride to be a success.

“All we will be doing is bringing more buses into the city centre which will create congestion in itself. We need to move traffic away from the city which is why a ring road is needed,” he said.

His views were echoed by Cllr Declan Kelly (Ind) who said that the provision of the ring road was the ultimate solution to the traffic chaos in the city.

Addressing Cllr McKinstry, Cllr Kelly said: “You and your leader are vehemently opposed to this which is a disgrace.

“To suggest that Park & Ride alone will solve all of Galway City’s traffic woes is just acting the maggot.”

Cllr Padraig Mac An Iomaire (FG) said that Park & Rise facilities had to be provided in Barna as there were students left on the side of the road because  the existing bus service was full.

He councillor added that for it to work properly, the ring road had to be provided to take away traffic from close to the city centre.

“Anyway, it is required for people from the Connemara direction getting to the likes of Merlin Park and on to the Dublin Road,” said Cllr Mac An Iomaire.

Kinvara-based Cllr Joe Byrne (FG), who has business appointments in Glenlo Abbey every second Tuesday, said that it takes him an hour and 40 minutes go get from his home to his destination.

The issue of Park & Ride facilities is to be probed by a designated sub-committee which was appointed at the Council meeting this week.



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