Connacht Tribune
Chanelle takes national award
Chanelle Pharma has been named Ireland’s Pharma Industry Company of the Year 2018 – the first Irish company to win the overall award, which has previously been awarded to global companies.
The Pharma Industry Awards recognise and celebrate the most original and innovative individuals and companies that demonstrate excellence in the Irish Pharma sector.
The Loughrea-headquartered company was the only Irish indigenous Pharma company shortlisted for the prestigious award and was selected ahead of multinational companies including AbbVie, GE Healthcare, MSD and Perrigo Company.
Chanelle also won the Pharma Company of the Year (Large) category at the awards which showcase the pharmaceutical sector in Ireland.
Michael Burke, founder and managing director of Chanelle Pharma was presented with the Awards. “I am honoured that Chanelle Pharma has been recognised by our peers,” he said.
“This is a fantastic achievement which reflects on the dedication and commitment of the staff in Chanelle. This Award recognises our growth as a company and our contribution to the Irish economy,” he said.
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