Connacht Tribune

Carraroe secures €1m investment in social housing



Carraroe has secured almost €1 million in investment in social housing under the Government’s “Rebuilding Ireland” scheme.
The investment will see the construction of six new two-bedroom apartments in Culleen, Carraroe, at a total cost of over €995,000. The scheme is designed to accelerate housing supply.
Galway West Fine Gael TD Hildegarde Naughton said the funding approval for the County Council will bring relief to six families in need.
“I am delighted to see this funding approval for the County Council which will see 6 families who are in need provided with appropriate housing.
“All too often when the difficulties in the housing situation are discussed rural Ireland is completely airbrushed out of the picture.  There is an obvious need for social housing outside our main cities and I am therefore very pleased that the Minister has confirmed this funding for Carraroe.
“Many of the issues with social housing stem from the same problem: there just have not been enough social homes built over the past few decades. But while there is a huge lack of supply, demand for social housing has soared.
“Communities without affordable housing quickly become segregated by income and family background. In order to promote economic and social diversity, communities need to provide for the needs of all families. Well-placed affordable housing developments allow communities to welcome a wide range of families and to create a vibrant, diverse, group of residents.
“We are on a mission to ensure that everyone can access a home, either with support from the State or from their own resources. This is a major priority for the Government and we are determined to deal with the dramatic under supply of housing and the effect it has on people and communities,” explained the Deputy.


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