Branar’s take on Ulysses for audiences young and old



Helen Gregg bringing Ulysses to life in Branar’s new show which is also available to download for free as a film.

Children all around Ireland are being invited to tell their own unique Bloomsday stories next Thursday, June 16, to mark the centenary this year of the publication of James Joyce’s classic novel, Ulysses.

Galway’s Branar Theatre, inspired by Episode 2 of Ulysses, have created a show called Episode 2: You’ll See… especially for “children age 8+ and those who haven’t got around to reading the book yet”, says the company’s Artistic Director Marc Mac Lochlainn.  It’s currently available as a film to schools and families all over the country and will be performed to a live in-person audience from June 16-19 as part of Cork’s Midsummer Festival.

Episode 2: You’ll See… is part of Ulysses 2.2, a year-long, nationwide programme of creative experiments from Irish artists, including writers Anne Enright, Paula Meehan, Emilie Pine and Marina Carr, architects Yvonne Farrell and Shelley McNamara, choreographers David Bolger and Emma Martin and musicians God Knows, Fehdah, Matthew Nolan and Adrian Crowley. Each has been invited to use one of the 18 episodes of Joyce’s book as a starting point for a voyage of artistic discovery.

Episode 2: You’ll See… has two strands. There’s the online offering to schools and families, available nationwide, and the world premiere of a live performance at Cork next week.

For more, read this week’s Galway City Tribune.

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