
Adults accused of ‘hogging’ Westside pitch meant for kids



 Adults are hogging a playing pitch for children in Westside and are depriving youngsters of play-time, locals claim.

 The UEFA standard mini soccer pitch at Corrib Park was installed in order to encourage soccer to flourish at grassroots level among the city’s youth.

One of 64 pitches in Ireland rolled-out as part of the UEFA, the soccer governing body’s programme Hat-Trick, the Westside pitch was aimed at encouraging children and teenagers to participate in soccer.

But there is disquiet locally at how the facility is being used, according to Labour Party City Councillor Billy Cameron.

Councillor Cameron and community representatives in Corrib Park have called on the City Council’s Parks’ Department to ‘knock heads together’ in relation to the pitch.

He said there is concern that the facility is being used by adults more so than children, which is not what the purpose of the pitch was when it was installed a few years ago.

There is particular concern that adults are depriving youngsters of play-time on the pitch.

“Community representatives in Corrib Park are not totally happy with the management of the facility,” said Councillor Cameron.

“The facility was never intended for adults. It was primarily for school kids and teenagers to learn and hone the skills of football in a safe, secure environment rather than playing on roads in estates.

“There are issues with groups of adults using the facility for hours on end depriving others, particularly younger children, of the chance to use it. “

Read more in today’s Connacht Sentinel



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