Connacht Tribune
Activity still in marketplace despite Covid restrictions
In recent years, the months leading into the Christmas period have been busy for auction sales with many people hoping to secure their property of interest before Christmas.
Despite the Level 5 restrictions, the team at the Connacht Property Auction have reported that the final quarter of 2020 remains busy and appetite from purchases remains strong.
The company has one final online auction to take place on December 17 and is expecting a busy final few weeks before this date.
Sales Manager Shane May said: “The success of our auctions is down to the large marketing campaigns we undertake in Ireland and abroad while also working in close partnership with our local partner auctioneers.
“Our auction team will be continuing to take listings up to Christmas with marketing campaigns running right through the Christmas period, which tends to see a lot on online activity on properties,” said Mr May.
The company is also now taking entries for their first online auctions of 2021, which will take place on January 28 and February 18.
For more, read this week’s Connacht Tribune.
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