Country Living

A sort of alphabetical guide as to what lies ahead for us



Pope Francis . . . Offers a little vestige of hope to us all.

Country Living with Francis Farragher

It’s that time again when we look ahead to see what’s in store for us through 2020 . . . so here are a few wishes/predictions (slightly jaundiced) as regards what might be in store for us in alphabetical order.

A is for all the anger that we’re going to feel through the year for all the silliest of things, like not being able to find our keys even though we had them less than 30 second ago; like arriving at work and realising that the mobile has been left at home; and worst of all being on the motorway and seeing the orange fuel light flashing on the dash.

B is for bull—t that we’re going to have to endure in the run-up to the General Election. We suspect this will happen maybe a couple of weeks after Easter, a feast that falls this year on the weekend of April 12. Every road will be improved; every pothole mended; every homeless person housed; every pension increased and every dream will come true in the run-up to the last weekend in April.

C is for all the cows throughout Ireland who still don’t seem to realise that they need to change their ways and stop producing methane gas when they do you-know-what at one end of their anatomy and belch uncontrollably from their moo outlet. The poor dears . . . they haven’t the sense to realise the error of their ways.

D is for all the Doubting Thomases who have the audacity to question or probe into the promises made by those already mentioned under the ‘B list’. By next May, they’ll realise the error of their ways when the new Government wipes out taxes; builds luxury homes for everyone; and in the space of a month clears the decks on all hospital waiting lists . . . and then the alarm rings and you wake up.

E is for all the negative energy that those of us who commute to Galway city on a daily basis burn up. Of course, we should try and use the buses but if there’s on thing worse than being stuck in traffic in your own car, it’s enduring a similar fate on a crowded omnibus. With 2020 on the way, I’m afraid it’s only going to get worse.

For more, read this week’s Connacht Tribune.

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